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Attractions of Zhytomyr region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Zhytomyr region

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Музей Ремісничий двір, Житомир
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"Craftsman's Yard" Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Ancient Instruments "Craftsman's Yard" in Zhytomyr is located at the Kroshnya railway station.

Every item in the exhibition is an original. The entire collection includes several thousand exhibits, including 115 examples of axes.

Presented are kerosene all-weather lamps for railway workers and policemen with a tricolor semaphore, an ancient manual device for roasting coffee beans while stirring them, a copy of an ancient forge, in which air is supplied by real Austrian bellows from the end of the 19th century.

Also in the collection are tools intended for production, the technology of which is considered lost.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 42 Zhytomyr


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Андрушівська астрономічна обсерваторія "Липневий ранок", Гальчин
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Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory "July Morning"

Museum / gallery

The only private observatory in Ukraine was opened in 2001 by astronomer, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yuriy Ivashchenko in his native village of Halchyn (suburb of Andrushivka) in Zhytomyr region.

330 new small planets, called asteroids, were recorded here. Four of them received permanent names - Zhytomyr, Andrushivka, Svyatylivka and Akosipov.

The observatory is located in the village of Halchyn at the exit from Andrushivka in the direction of Chervone.

Map pin icon Observatorna Street, 3-7 Halchyn


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Музей фарфору, Баранівка
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Baranivka Porcelain Museum

Museum / gallery

"Baranivka" porcelain factory was opened in 1802 by the entrepreneur Mykhaylo Mezer, having bought the land for it from the Lyubomyrsky-Valevskyi magnates.

The raw material was clay mined nearby. The dishes made at the factory decorated the palaces of nobles and emperors.

Having changed several owners, the Baranivka porcelain factory continued to operate in Soviet times and remained the country's leading enterprise of this profile until the early 2000s. Currently, the enterprise is not working, but private mini-factories for the production of porcelain are operating in the city.

Since 1952, a museum has been operating at the Baranivka factory, which exhibits samples of products whose age exceeds one hundred years.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 48 Baranivka


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Музей історії міста, Бердичів
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Berdychiv City History Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Berdychiv City History Museum is located in the center of the city of Berdychiv in one of the wings of the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites - the former house of priests.

In addition to the main exposition, which tells about the history of the city of Berdychiv, in the museum you can visit various thematic exhibitions.

Map pin icon Soborna Square, 25 Berdychiv


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Музей еврейства, Бердичів
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Berdychiv Museum of Jewishness

Museum / gallery

The Berdychiv Museum of Jewishness was opened in 2015 in the premises of the City Children's Library.

The exposition in two halls tells about the life of Berdychiv Jews, about the history and traditions of the Jewish people, as well as about the tragic events of the Holocaust during the Second World War.

The exhibits were provided by residents of Berdychiv, in particular, the city's Jewish community.

Map pin icon Yevropeyska Street, 15 Berdychiv


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Монастир кармелітів босих, Бердичів
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Discalced Carmelites Monastery-Fortress

Temple , Architecture

The monastery-fortress of the Discalced Carmelites in Berdychiv is the All-Ukrainian Sanctuary of the Mother of God of the Holy Scapular.

The majestic architectural complex with defensive walls, towers and a magnificent baroque church was founded in the 16th century as a castle of the Tyshkevych, who owned these lands since the 14th century.

In 1630, Voivode Yanush Tyshkevych, after his remarkable rescue from Tatar captivity, donated the castle to the Catholic Order of the Discalced Carmelites. The construction of the monastery lasted from 1634 to 1632. In the 18th century, it was reconstructed according to the project of Yan de Vitte, who built the upper church of the Holy Trinity above the lower church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.

The main shrine of the Discalced Carmelite Monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Berdychivska, given to the monastery by Yanush Tyshkevych. In 1997, a copy of the icon was consecrated and crowned by Pope John Paul II. Her sanctuary (holy storage) is the upper temple. The parish of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary operates at the sanctuary.

Map pin icon Soborna Square, 25 Berdychiv


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Францисканський костел, Чуднів
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Franciscan Church of the Finding of Holy Cross

Temple , Architecture

The Franciscan church and monastery in Chudniv was founded in the 17th century by Prince Sangushko, the stone temple was built in 1760 by the vicar bishop of Horchynskyi.

In 1787, the last Polish king, Stanislav Avhust Ponyatovsky, visited the church on his way to Kaniv to meet the Russian empress Catherine II.

In 1832, the monastery was liquidated, and during Soviet times, the church was also badly damaged.

Now the church belongs to the Catholic parish of the Finding of the Holy Cross, restoration is underway.

Map pin icon Ivana Feshchenka-Chopivskoho Lane, 5 Chudniv


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Замок-музей Радомисль, Радомишль
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Historical and Cultural Complex "Castle-Museum Radomysl"

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The building of a water mill on the Myka River on the southern outskirts of Radomyshl was built at the end of the 19th century (according to other sources in 1904) on the foundations of a paper factory founded in 1606 by Archimandrite Yelysey Pletenetsky to provide paper for the printing house of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

The factory was destroyed during the Cossack uprisings. Built on the ruins of a neo-Gothic mill building, it looks like a medieval castle. The building has three wings from 3 to 5 floors, connected by an 8-story tower in the center. A spiral staircase with 158 steps leads to the bell tower.

The mill functioned until the 1960s, then it was abandoned for a long time. In 2011, on the initiative of the Bohomolets-Sheremetyevy family, the historical and cultural complex "Radomysl Castle" was opened in the restored building.

In authentic interiors of the 17th-19th centuries, an exposition of the "Museum of Ukrainian Home Icon" and antiques is exhibited. 5,000 icons of the 17th-21st centuries from all regions of Ukraine from the private collection of Olha Bohomolets are presented, including the works of folk artists who most often gave the images vivid human features and emotions. The pearl of the collection is the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker carved on stone.

Also in the museum you can see unique old photographs, a collection of old cards in the Dining Hall, a collection of old irons and household utensils, old wooden sculptures, antique chandeliers, paintings and furniture.

In addition, the manual paper-making process has been restored at "Radomysl Castle". The paper factory (paper mill) has all the equipment used by monks in the 17th century, as well as a printing press for applying text to finished sheets. Those who wish can attend a master class and make a sheet of paper with their own hands.

The castle has a 150-seat concert hall, a grand ceremonial hall for celebrations, an ancient refectory with a large castle oven and a 60-liter cauldron on an open fire.

There is a landscape park next to the castle.

Map pin icon Pletenetska Street, 15 Radomyshl


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Острів кохання, Старий Солотвин
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Island of Love (Fisherman's House)

Museum / gallery , Natural object

A romantic island on a pond on the Kodnianka River in the center of Staryi Solotvyn in Zhytomyr Region is called the "Island of Love" by local residents. This tiny piece of land was created artificially in 1970, and in the 1980s a small wooden house was built on it for hunters and fishermen.

The fisherman's house, reminiscent of a fairy-tale cabin, is decorated with delicate carvings and brightly painted. A narrow wooden pedestrian bridge with a railing leads to it. Nearby there is a gazebo for relaxation and several wooden benches.

A romantic house with a wobbly town on a small island surrounded by fir trees and birches looks very colorful at any time of the year, which attracts tourists and photographers.

Currently, the Fisherman's House in Staryi Solotvyn is a branch of the Center for Culture and Leisure of the Hryshkivtsi Settlement Council. In the room there is a small ethnographic exposition: embroidered rugs, towels, tablecloths, embroidered paintings, home-woven carpets and various household items collected by the inhabitants of the village of Staryi Solotvyn.

Map pin icon Oleksandr Sokorchuk Street, 23A Staryi Solotvyn


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Музей Джозефа Конрада, Бердичів
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Joseph Conrad Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The museum of the English writer Joseph Conrad (Yuzef Kozhenovsky), a native of Berdychiv and a Pole by origin, was opened in 2015 in the complex of the Monastery of the Barefoot Carmelites.

The exhibition materials were shared by the Adam Mitskevych Museum of Literature (Warsaw), the Jagiellonian Library (Krakow), the Beineke Library (Yale University), the Central Maritime Museum (Gdansk), and the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich (England). Professor Zdzislav Nayder (Poland) also provided materials from his own archive.

The main exhibit is a fragment of the hull of the ship Otego, captained by Joseph Conrad. Interactive technologies are widely used in the exhibition.

The visit is free.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 25 Berdychiv


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Виставка фарфору, Коростень
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Korosten Porcelain Exhibition

Museum / gallery

The room-museum of the history of the Korosten porcelain factory has been operating in the city's cultural center since 2012.

Here is a part of the exposition, which was previously located in the lobby of the main building of the enterprise, which is now closed.

Local residents also helped in creating the exposition. Today, the number of unique items in the museum room is about 500 items.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 3 Korosten


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Музей Лесі Українки, Звягель
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Lesya Ukrayinka Literary Memorial Museum

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Lesya Ukrayinka in Zviahel was created in the small house where the future poetess was born in 1871.

In 1870, the simple one-story house of the burgher Okruzhko was rented by the Kosach family: the head of the assembly of justices of the peace Petro Kosach and his wife Olha, who is known under the literary pseudonym Olena Pchilka. Little Larysa spent the first two years of her life here, after which the family moved.

In the surviving interiors of Lesya Ukrayinka's parents' house, the furnishings of the children's room and her father's office have been restored, in other rooms there are relics of the Kosach family, including Lesya Ukrayinka's personal belongings.

A transitional gallery leads to the neighboring building (former farm), where a literary and memorial exposition is displayed.

There is a bust of Lesya Ukrayinka in the yard.

Since 2023, Lesya Ukrayinka Literary Memorial Museum has been a communal institution of the Zviahel community. It has a branch - the Museum of the Kosach-Drahomanov family.

Map pin icon Sobornosti Street, 76/2 Zviahel


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Панська садиба, Яроповичі
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Manor House

Palace / manor

Local residents call the 19th-century manor house with a wooden manor house and a picturesque park on the banks of the Irpin River in Yaropovychi "panska".

Until 1859, the manor belonged to the Pole Tyt Trzhetsyak, then it became the property of Syhizmund Kotyushynsky. The characteristic provincial architecture with many carved elements and decorations gives a vivid idea of the life of small landowners of the 19th century.

Until recently, there was a high school in the building, now there are plans to create a local history museum.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 36A Yaropovychi


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Будинок-музей Сергія Корольова, Житомир
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Memorial house-museum of academician Serhiy Korolov

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The memorial house-museum of Academician Serhiy Korolov in Zhytomyr is a part of the Museum of Cosmonautics named after Korolov, located opposite the main building of the exhibition "Space".

The first museum in the apartment, where the future rocket scientist, a leading designer of Soviet space rockets, was born in 1907, opened in 1970. 7 years later, the memorial part was supplemented by a new exposition about the life and career of the general designer.

The museum recreates the atmosphere of the apartment in which the Korolov family lived at the beginning of the XX century. The exposition includes many materials, documents, personal belongings, which were donated to the museum by relatives and colleagues of Korolov.

Photographs, utensils, interior items belonging to the Queen's family, notes and drawings made by the genius designer, his costume and even a strand of hair from the very first haircut - all this can be seen during a tour of the museum.

Map pin icon Dmytrivska Street, 5 Zhytomyr


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Об'єкт Скеля, Коростень
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Military-historical complex "Object "Rock"

Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery

The "Rock" facility in Korosten is a former secret underground command post of the Korosten fortified area №5, which was part of the so-called "Stalin Line".

It was built in 1936 on the basis of a system of natural and artificial caves in the granite rock, on which the ancient Rus city Iskorosten stood in the 8th-13th centuries. Also known as "Stalin's Bunker".

Also known as "Stalin's Bunker". In case of war, it was planned to command the South-Western Front. The object was not used for its intended purpose. In 1941, a detachment of 200 Red Army soldiers defended themselves against the Nazis for a week.

In Soviet times, the facility remained under the control of the military, then was transferred to the civil defense system. All this time the equipment (ventilation system, water supply, autonomous power supply, communication) remains in working order. The seal of secrecy was lifted in 2005, and the efforts of enthusiasts began the creation of the military-historical museum complex "Rock", dedicated to the initial period of the Second World War. One of the probable three levels of corridors and caves has been investigated.

Excursions are by prior arrangement.

Map pin icon 1 Travnya Street, 2A Korosten


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