
Travel guide online Chernihiv

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General information about Chernihiv

The princely city of Chernihiv is an ancient city on the right bank of the Desna River.

It arose in the 7th century on the site of early Slavic settlements, later becoming the center of the Chernihiv principality. According to legend, it was founded by Prince Chorniy. Historians associate the name of the city with the name of the Siverskyi prince of Chernihiv.

At the end of the 9th century, when Prince Oleh of Kyiv conquered the Severians who lived along the Desna River, the city became part of Kyivan Rus. In 907, Chernihiv was first mentioned in the annals. In 1239, the city was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars. During the Lithuanian rule, a fortress was built on the site of the prince's baby. As part of Russia, Chernihiv became a provincial center.

Now a quarter of ...

The princely city of Chernihiv is an ancient city on the right bank of the Desna River.

It arose in the 7th century on the site of early Slavic settlements, later becoming the center of the Chernihiv principality. According to legend, it was founded by Prince Chorniy. Historians associate the name of the city with the name of the Siverskyi prince of Chernihiv.

At the end of the 9th century, when Prince Oleh of Kyiv conquered the Severians who lived along the Desna River, the city became part of Kyivan Rus. In 907, Chernihiv was first mentioned in the annals. In 1239, the city was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars. During the Lithuanian rule, a fortress was built on the site of the prince's baby. As part of Russia, Chernihiv became a provincial center.

Now a quarter of all architectural monuments of Ukraine from the pre-Mongol period are concentrated here. The historical core is the Val - the remains of the defensive structures of the cub and the Chernihiv fortress, where the oldest temples are located. The most valuable sacred monument is the Anthony's Caves (XI century), which are part of the Trinity Monastery complex. The emergence of the Dormition Monastery in Yeletskyi belongs to the same times.

A large number of sights, a quiet provincial atmosphere and the development of tourist infrastructure make Chernihiv attractive for a weekend tour.

Chernihiv City Day is celebrated on September 21.

Княжий град Чернігів - древнє місто на правому березі Десни.

Виникло в VII сторіччі на місці ранніх слов'янських поселень, ставши згодом центром Чернігівського князівства. За легендою, було засновано князем Чорним. Історики пов'язують назву міста з ім'ям Сіверського князя Черніги.

В кінці IX століття, коли київський князь Олег підкорив сіверців, що жили за течією Десни, місто увійшло до складу Київської Русі. У 907 році Чернігів вперше згадується в літописі. У 1239 році місто було зруйноване монголо-татарами. Під час литовського правління на місці княжого дитинця була побудована фортеця. У складі росії Чернігів став губернським центром.

Зараз тут зосереджена чверть всіх архітектурних пам'яток України домонгольського періоду. Історичним ядром є Вал - зал ...

Княжий град Чернігів - древнє місто на правому березі Десни.

Виникло в VII сторіччі на місці ранніх слов'янських поселень, ставши згодом центром Чернігівського князівства. За легендою, було засновано князем Чорним. Історики пов'язують назву міста з ім'ям Сіверського князя Черніги.

В кінці IX століття, коли київський князь Олег підкорив сіверців, що жили за течією Десни, місто увійшло до складу Київської Русі. У 907 році Чернігів вперше згадується в літописі. У 1239 році місто було зруйноване монголо-татарами. Під час литовського правління на місці княжого дитинця була побудована фортеця. У складі росії Чернігів став губернським центром.

Зараз тут зосереджена чверть всіх архітектурних пам'яток України домонгольського періоду. Історичним ядром є Вал - залишки оборонних споруд дитинця та Чернігівської фортеці, де знаходяться найдавніші храми. Найцінніша сакральна пам'ятка - Антонієві печери (XI століття), що входять в комплекс Троїцько-Іллінського монастиря. До тих же часів відноситься виникнення Успенського Єлецького монастиря.

Велика кількість пам'яток, тиха провінційна атмосфера та розвиненість туристичної інфраструктури роблять Чернігів привабливим для туру вихідного дня.

День міста Чернігова відзначається 21 вересня.

Сплануй своє перебування у Chernihiv

What to see and where to go in Chernihiv

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Tourist attractions and museums of Chernihiv

Catherine's Church, Chernihiv
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Cathedral of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine (Catherine Church)

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine solemnly greets everyone who enters Chernihiv from the Kyiv side, it is considered a symbol of the city.

It is located on the opposite hill from Dytynets, on the Alley of Heroes. The temple in the Ukrainian Baroque style was built on the site of an ancient temple from the period of Kyivan Rus at the expense of the brothers Semen and Yakiv Lyzohub, according to the will of their father Yukhym Lyzohub in memory of the heroism of their grandfather Yakiv Lyzohub and the Cossacks of the Chernihiv regiment, shown by them during the storming of the Turkish fortress of Azov.

During Soviet times, the Catherine Church was closed. In 1975-1980, the church was restored, and an exhibition of the Museum of Folk and Decorative Art of Chernihiv Region was placed inside.

In 2004-2005, the temple was restored. In 2006, the Catherine Church was handed over to the Cossack Orthodox community. In 2008, the church became the Cossack cathedral of the Chernihiv Diocese. Currently, it is an active church of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

In 2009, the monument "Fighters for freedom and independence of Ukraine" was opened near the Catherine's Church.

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Chernihiv Rampart (Dytynets)
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Chernihiv Rampart

Historic area

Chernihiv Rampart is the oldest part of the city, a hill on the high bank of the Desna River, where the prince's hillfort and a complex of city defense structures (Dytynets) were located.

Remains of princely temples and boyar residences were discovered here. Two churches of the XI-XII centuries, the later building of the Collegium (1700), the Regimental Office (XVIII century), known as the "Lyzohub stone house", other buildings of the XVIII-XIX centuries have been perfectly preserved.

After the liquidation of the Chernihiv Fortress in the 19th century, the defensive rampart over the river was converted into a park area, and monuments to Taras Shevchenko and Pushkin were installed (dismantled in 2022 during the active de-Russification of Ukraine, which began as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine).

There are 12 cast-iron bastion cannons of the 17th century on the Chernihiv Rampart, which are considered the hallmark of the city.

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Art Museum, Chernihiv
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Chernihiv Regional Art Museum named after Hryhoriy Galagan

Architecture , Museum / gallery

Chernihiv Regional Art Museum named after Hryhoriy Galagan is located in the building of the former women's gymnasium (XIX century) on Chernihiv Rampart.

The museum`s collection includes about 8,000 works of fine and decorative arts, from the XVI century to the present. It was based on a unique collection of Ukrainian noble family Galagans, represented by works of Western European and domestic art of XVII-XIX centuries, folk paintings, including the famous Cossacks Mamay, portraits of eight generations of this famous Cossack family and their relatives - Rozumovskyi, Lamsdorf, Darahan, Markevych. 

The Chernihiv Art Museum has a collection of works by the outstanding Ukrainian folk artist Mariya Prymachenko. Works of decorative and applied art of Ukraine, a folk toy are also presented.

During the Russian invasion of 2022, when the city of Chernihiv was under fire, the Chernihiv Art Museum named after Hryhoriy Galagan was damaged, in particular, some exhibits were damaged.

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Kotsyubynsky Museum, Chernihiv
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Mykhaylo Kotsyubynsky Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The Chernihiv Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of Mykhaylo Kotsyubynsky was opened in 1934 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the writer's birthday at the initiative of his family - the younger brother of Mykhaylo Khoma Kotsyubynsky became the first director of the institution.

The memorial part of the exposition is located in the one-story wooden house in which Mykhaylo Kotsyubynsky lived from 1898 to 1913. Here he wrote the stories "Fata morgana", "Intermezzo", "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" and others, hosted many famous representatives of the creative intelligentsia, including composer Mykola Lysenko and writer Borys Hrynchenko.

In the house, the environment that existed during the writer's life is recreated, including a desk with writing utensils and other furniture. The writer's memorial library has more than 1,500 books, including the first editions of his works. Photographs, manuscripts, notebooks, and letters are also presented.

The literary part of the exposition is located in a separate three-story building designed by the outstanding Ukrainian monumentalist artist Anatoly Haydamaka. The decoration of the exposition is the wooden composition "Tree of Life" or "Krynytsia Kotsyubynsky", which permeates all three floors of the building. It has the appearance of a four-sided pillar, on each face of which are carved illustrations of Kotsyubynskyi's works.

Part of the manor is the memorial garden of the Kotsyubynsky family, where more than 200 types of plants are grown, including trees that the writer personally planted. The garden beds are decorated with the writer's favorite flowers: roses, mallows, and poppies. There are also exotic subtropical plants - agaves, which the writer admired in Italy. In the summer, tea parties are held on the veranda of the Kotsyubynsky family's house overlooking the garden.

During the large-scale Russian invasion in 2022, the Chernihiv Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve of Mykhaylo Kotsyubynsky was hit by shelling. The memorial building and 36 museum exhibits were damaged, including Kotsyubynsky's chess pieces, a grand piano, and some furniture. Restoration has been carried out.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Kotsyubynskoho Street, 3


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Pyatnytska Church, Chernihiv
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Pyatnytska Church

Temple , Architecture

The Pyatnytska Church in Chernihiv is a classic monument of ancient Rus architecture.

The church in honor of Saint Paraskeva Pyatnytsa, the patroness of trade, was built at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries on the main market square of the city. Until 1786, it was the main building of the Pyatnytsky Monastery. By that time, it had already been rebuilt several times and was a seven-bath temple in the Baroque style.

During the Second World War, the Friday Church was destroyed. In 1962, it was completely restored in the original ancient Rus style according to the project of architects Petro Baranovskyi and Mykola Kholostenko.

From the outside, the Pyatnytska Church building has the appearance of a slender tower, almost square in plan, topped by a slender bathhouse, which, thanks to the original transition from the rectangle of the base to the dome, creates a characteristic feature of dynamic upward striving and pyramidal completion.

The church is active and belongs to the Chernihiv Diocese of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. It is part of the National Architectural and Historical Reserve "Ancient Chernihiv".

On August 19, 2023, in the course of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, as a result of a Russian missile attack on the center of Chernihiv, the Pyatnytska Church suffered significant damage. The explosive wave from the impact of the Iskander missile in the premises of the theater, located nearby, hit the church when the festive service was ending. The blast wave knocked out the windows, pieces of the rocket flew into the church, and damaged icons (including the icon of the patron saint of the church, which was lying on the altar).

Map pin icon Hetmana Polubotka Street, 3


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